Time accumulation

Recently while reading the perma-culture design manual by Bill Mollison, I came across this line, “Time gets accumulated in eco-systems because of human intervention”. Pondering hard on it, I am sharing my understanding on it with you all.

Everything in this universe is in a continuous process of Movement/ Change. A process from growth to decay to growth. Nothing here is a waste. Or if we call it a waste, it is just a misplaced resource.

Time is just a measurement of change/cycle (sun-rise and sun-set), we deciphered a “24 hour day” as per the earth’s rotation (which is a movement) in reference to Sun. The reason of having different time-zones with the change of longitudes is because we identify the earth’s motion in reference to a relatively stationary object, Sun.

So in simple language, Time is CHANGE.

Everything which is born naturally has an expiry date to itself and therefore it changes its form. Everything in its natural element is bio-degradable. We can say that time is continuously flowing in that eco-system.

But we humans don’t have the capacity to accept changes. We like stability. Therefore, for our comfort we started creating and inventing non-biodegradable things. Without being conscious of the consequences. The plastics and the steels have definitely made our lives easier. But we have generated wastes for eternity. Therefore accumulating time in an eco-system.


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